
Webinar: “Additive Manufacturing: How to Scale Up with Design for AM”

By May 30, 2024 No Comments

Have you taken your first steps in Additive Manufacturing, but did you quickly come to the realization that it’s very time consuming to…

✔️ Identify exactly which parts qualify for Design for AM?

✔️ Quantify the time, financial and sustainability benefits it brings?

✔️️ Understand easy process to immediately work on the identified parts in your design software?

Then we would like to invite you to watch the recording of the webinar that we hosted with our Engineering Software partner @Ansys, on June 20th.

In this webinar, Pieter Ruijssenaars, Thomas Cornthwaite and a guest speaker from Ansys dove deeper into scaling Design for Additive Manufacturing and translating the technique to concrete business benefits, like shortening Time-to-Market and increasing First Time Right.

So, are you looking for guidance and tools to tackle this process? Then sign up to watch the recording of this webinar!