Privacy Policy

This is the DiManEx B.V. Privacy Statement for customer, supplier and business partner data. This Privacy Statement provides information on the processing of personal data by DiManEx B.V. and its group companies, hereafter DiManEx, we or us.
The primary purpose of this Privacy Statement is to be a dynamic resource and business tool so that we can offer our services to you in the best possible way. We want you to feel secure when visiting our site and are committed to maintaining your privacy when doing so.
This Privacy Statement may be changed over time and it was last updated on June 18, 2018 in compliance with art. 13 of the Regulation (EU) n. 2016/679, also called the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter the “GDPR”).

Who we are?

DiManEx is a global enterprise platform for distributed 3D manufacturing based in Utrecht, Netherlands.

When you visit the DiManEx website or web platform (further indicated as “websites”), we process personal data about you as a data controller. It is important to us that the personal data of the visitors to our websites, our (prospective) merchants and our (future) partners (“you”) is treated with care and that you are well informed about the way we process your personal data. We have written this privacy statement to tell you which data we process, how, why and how long we do this and your rights.

Which types of personal data do we collect and why?

Data we collect when you use our websites

When you browse our websites, we process your IP address, Google Analytics ID, internet browser and device type, location data(country and city only determined by your IP address) and your use of our websites, including which pages you visited, how you got to our websites, the time and length of your visit and your language preferences. We use this data for our legitimate interests of making sure our websites work properly, including debugging, to be able to deliver you content and for DDOS mitigation on our websites, and improving our websites and to perform statistical analyses for optimizing our websites.

We collect this data using cookies. More information can be found in our Cookies Policy.

When we collect information about how you use our websites, for example which landing pages you visit and which items you look at and how long, to make a determination about what we could likely do for you. For example, if you read about our products and services on our websites, we might classify you as a website visitor who is interested in our products and services and therefore as a potential customer. Based on the audience we expect you belong to, we may act, for example by contacting you with offers about our products and services, if we have your consent for this from our contact forms or requests for demo.

In order to make the most accurate assessment about which audience you likely belong to, and as you can also read in our Cookies Policy, we also use tracking cookies. These cookies track information about how you use our website. We only place these tracking cookies with your prior consent. For more information about these tracking cookies, please view our Cookies Policy.

Data we collect when you contact us or request us to contact you

Via our websites, you can contact us or ask us to contact you regarding questions, queries, (support) requests, comments or complaints or sign up for a demo. When you do this, we collect the information that you fill out, including your name, company, contact details, the reason you are contacting us, verification that you are not a robot and other information you decide to provide us. You can also contact us by calling us or e-mailing us using for example the contact details listed on our websites. If you do so, we will collect your name, company and any other information we need to be of further assistance to you and/or communicate with you.

We use this data above to answer your question, comment or complaint and respond to your queries and (support) requests and to assess your application to become a customer or partner. As such, this data is used by us to establish or perform our (future) contract with you and for our legitimate interests in following up with you. We also use the data above for our legitimate interest of conducting business with you and managing our internal administration, for establishing and performing our contract with you, for our legitimate interest of conducting marketing research so we can improve our products and services and to be able to offer our (future) merchants tailored products and services.

Data we process for our newsletter and marketing purposes

You can sign up for our newsletter or receive invitations to events using your name and e-mail address via the sign-up form on our websites. When you fill out this form, you indicate your consent to receive our newsletter and invitations. You can at any time unsubscribe from receiving these e-mails by following the instructions provided in any of the newsletters.

If you already are one of our customers, we may contact you in relation to relevant products or services, for our legitimate interest of developing our business. We can do this via e-mail. If you are not yet one of our customers, we will only contact you, for example via e-mail, with offers or about our products or services if you have given us your permission to do so. When we contact you in this context via e-mail, you always have an opportunity to opt out at any moment by following the instructions in the e-mail or by contacting us using the contact details below under (“Contacting us”).

You can also download content, for example white papers and research reports, from our websites using the forms designed for this purpose. We collect the data you fill out on the form, including your name, company, country and e-mail address. We process the data you fill out on this form for our legitimate interest of keeping track of who downloads our content.

How long do we keep your information?

We will always only keep your data for as long as we reasonably need it for the purposes listed above.

For example, data about your use of this app or visits to our websites will be retained until your use or browsing session ends, except where it concerns data collected for the analytical and marketing purposes specified above. In those cases, we will keep your information for 1 year after collection.

If you become one of our customers, we will keep all data relating to our business relationship until 7 years after the end of your contract with us or until our rejection your application.

We store the information that we process as a result of you describing to our newsletters or because you have consented to receive information about our products and services or about offers until you decide you would no longer like to receive these mailings.

Data about any questions, comments or (supports) requests you have made us if you are not a merchant, will be kept for 2 years.

The retention terms above can be longer if we are required to keep data longer on the basis of applicable law or to administer our business. If we need to keep any information longer for our legitimate interest of protecting our legal rights, we will keep the necessary information for this purpose until the relevant claim(s) has/have been settled.

Social media buttons

We use plugins on our website from social media networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. You can recognize these plugins by their logos. We also use plugins for the embedded video players which can be found on our website. Our plugins will not collect personal data about you, unless you click on these logos or videos. If you click on them, these plugins are activated and automatically transmit data to the plugin provider.

We do not have any influence over which data these providers collect from you and we are also not aware of the extent of their data processing. If you would like more information about their data processing, this can be found in the respective privacy policies on the websites of these providers.


We use cookies, which are small text files stored on your device. Using cookies is a way for us to make sure that our websites is continuously improved, meets your needs and can be used as a tool to optimize our marketing strategy. In order for us to do this, we place functional cookies to make the websites function as well as marketing cookies which help us target the right people. Some of these cookies track your use of our websites.

Please view our Cookies Policy for more information on our use of cookies.

With whom do we share this information?

We need the help of third parties to be able to offer you our websites and our products and services. Where necessary we will share your information with our service providers and professional advisers (e.g. IT providers, CRM providers, marketing support providers (such as agencies which manage our social media accounts), business development providers and legal service providers). We have concluded agreements with our service providers to protect your personal data.

How do we protect your data?

We are committed securing your personal data and have taken steps in this regard. In order to prevent unauthorized people or parties from being able to access your data, we have put in place a range of technical and organizational measures to safeguard and secure the information we process from you.

Your Rights

You are entitled to object to us processing your personal data, including profiling. You may also ask us for an overview of your information or ask for a copy. You may also request us to correct or delete certain data, restrict processing of your data, or ask us to transfer some of this information to other organisations. In some cases you may object to the processing of your data and, where we have asked for your consent to process personal data, you can withdraw this consent at any time. Where we process your data for our legitimate interests, you can contact us if you want more information about these.

There are some exceptions to these rights, however. For example, it will not be possible for us to delete your data if we are required by law to keep it or if we hold it in connection with a contract with you. Similarly, access to your data may be refused if making the information available would reveal personal information about another person or if we are legally prevented from disclosing such information.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the details below.

Changes of the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Statement may be changed from time to time. If we make any substantial changes to this Privacy Statement and the way we use your personal data, we will provide appropriate notice to you. Please check our Privacy Statement frequently to stay informed about how we use your personal data.

The new Privacy Statement will be effective immediately upon posting. By continuing to access our websites or to make use of our products and services, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Statement.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on June 18, 2018.

Contacting us, questions and complaints

Questions, comments, requests or complaints concerning this privacy notice and the way we process your personal data are welcomed and can be addressed to our DPO at or Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands or by telephone at +31 [0] 30 227 09 62

If you have a complaint about the way we handle your personal data, you also have the right to address this with the data protection authority of the country in which you live or work or the country in which we are located.